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Payable Aging Raw Data

Zoho Books' AP Aging feature provides a concise overview of outstanding vendor bills, organized by aging periods. Quickly track overdue payments and assess your financial position with this tool.

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Data headers

vendor_nameName of the vendor
transaction_numberUnique identifier for the transaction
dateDate of the transaction
entityEntity related to the transaction
statusStatus of the transaction
ageAge of the transaction (time since creation)
amountTotal amount of the transaction
balanceRemaining balance for the transaction
currency_codeCurrency code for the transaction
idUnique identifier for the transaction
vendor_idUnique identifier for the vendor
currency_idUnique identifier for the currency

Filtration options

This job can restrict the data that is visible in spreadsheets. Use the following parameters to restrict the data.

report_dateFilter transactions based on the reporting date. Selects transactions as of the specified date. Format - YYYY-MM-DD